Most people out there do not actually know much about choosing between renting and buying. You have to take all the time that you need to analyze the various opportunities available on the market. The truth is that you have to stay focused on gathering as many facts as possible in order to make a really good choice. That is much more difficult than you may be tempted to believe at first glance. The infographic below may help you, most likely much more than you may believe.
You may be tempted to believe that renting is not at all a good idea for you because of the fact that you have all the money that is necessary to buy a new home. However, ownership costs may change your point of view. The exact opposite is also true. Keep in mind that nowadays you can so easily afford to buy a home when you just go to the bank and you find a loan that is suitable.
Renting and buying brings in different costs. We have to realize that you have facts as down payments, fixed rates, customizations, taxes, maintenance and overall stability. As a simple example, when referring to home security, you are faced with less when you rent. More security is available when you are the owner of the property since you can practically put your hands on anything that you need.
While some of the facts mentioned in this infographic are quite obvious, like the fact that when you rent you can easily move to another apartment, whenever you want to. When you buy property, you are basically faced with a necessity to stay in the same place. It takes much time to find a buyer and a new property.
Other facts in the infographic are not as common. You will definitely appreciate what is written as you can find some statistics that will help you to decide whether buying is better than renting, in your particular case. Read it completely so that you can make the best possible choice. We are sure you will be more informed after you go through all the stats that are highlighted.
Source: Sparefoot