It is such a shame to see that local businesses do not use Pinterest when this social network can bring in so many huge advantages for a company, as long as the content is fit and is of a really high quality. For instance, did you know that Pinterest is better than Facebook and Twitter in terms of the amount of sales that can be generated through just one lead? This factor alone should be enough to show why you absolutely need to consider Pinterest.
The infographic below was designed for local businesses so that managers can understand what Pinterest is and why it is valuable. It starts with a detailed explanation of what the social network is and how it works. This is really useful in the event that you do not know much about the network.
Then, you get to the greatest part of the infographic, the one that shows you what you need to know about creating a professional marketing plan that focuses on using Pinterest in a way that it will bring benefits to your company. This follows the three necessary steps:
- Setting up an account
- Getting followers that are interested in what you are promoting
- Connecting the Pinterest account with your site – a move that will bring in some advantages you will definitely appreciate
The next section of the What Your Local Business Needs To Know About Pinterest infographic is the one that properly explains why you have to always think about when you consider why Pinterest is a great solution. The one part that is usually not understood is the one that talks about brand awareness. Pinterest is a social network that can help out a lot in creating brand awareness for any company out there. You can easily take advantage of this in an environment that is simply great.
Have patience and go through every single section of the infographic. You will quickly notice that you have a lot to read so click on it, make it large and save or read in your browser. Note down the facts of importance and see how cheap it can be to use Pinterest in order to get brand new customers for your local business.