50 Rules Of Email Marketing [Infographic]

Out of all the marketing forms that appeared in the past few years the one that has always been effective and that will most likely remain very effective is email marketing. This did evolve from its original state. It was different in the past but now it is taking advantage of everything that the internet world has to offer.

The problem with email marketing is that people have started to be harassed. Many want to use this in a way that would be almost close to spam. Because of this, we can say that there are some rules that every single aspiring entrepreneur needs to take into account if he wants to increase success of email marketing campaigns.

The infographic that you see below was offered by Hubspot Academi. It is pretty straight to the point. Go through all of them. It does not matter if you are experienced or not. It is a certainty that you are going to find some rules that you did not know much about. The format that was chosen is really good for just getting the information you need. If you want to, you can even print the 50 Rules Of Email Marketing infographic and put it right on top of your desk.

Remember that email marketing is much more complex than these rules. Take these as a starting point to help you create really effective email marketing campaigns. Then, be sure you read even more about the subject. Any form of internet marketing is going to be a little tough to learn at the moment since online marketing evolved to the level at which it is vital for the success of so many companies. It is difficult to build those highly successful campaigns, especially when referring to the smaller businesses that do not have large marketing budgets.

On the whole, this is an infographic that should be analyzed by all people interested in email marketing. The information is extremely valuable. You will want to memorize every single rule but use your common sense when referring to whether or not you respect them. It is possible that you will find opportunities to break them with good results.


Source: Hubspot Academy